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The sports world was shellshocked this week with the retirement of three highly successful head coaches. Pete Carroll (Seattle Seahawks), Nick Saban (Alabama Crimson Tide), and Bill Belichick (New England Patriots) all hung up their headsets after combining for 918 wins, seven super bowl titles, and nine national championships.

Deciding when to step away from a long-term, successful career is a deeply personal choice, but certain signs may indicate that it’s time for a change.

Saban pointed to his age catching up to him, along with the new challenges facing college coaches.

“This last season was grueling, it was a real grind for us to come from where we started to where we got to,” he told the USA Today. “Took a little more out of me than usual. When people mention the health issue it was really just the grind of can you do this the way you want to do it? Can you do it the way you’ve always done it, and be able to sustain it and do it for the entire season? And if I couldn’t make a commitment to do that in the future the way I think I have to do it, I thought maybe this was the right time…”

Athletes and coaches always talk about a desire to go out on top. Few do. None of the three aforementioned legends are walking away as champions in their final seasons. And just like in corporate America, that’s not a sign of failure.

It’s a sign of strength.

Since this is a work happiness blog, here are 10 signs that suggest it might be time to consider transitioning away from your current career:

Burnout and Exhaustion: If you consistently feel emotionally and physically drained, experiencing burnout that doesn’t improve with time off, it may be a sign that the demands of your career have become unsustainable.

Lack of Passion: A diminishing passion for your work or a pervasive sense of boredom can be a clear indicator that you’ve outgrown your current role or industry.

Health Issues: If your physical or mental health is suffering as a result of your career, it’s crucial to prioritize well-being. Chronic stress, anxiety, or other health problems may be a signal that a change is needed.

Neglected Personal Life: When your career consistently takes precedence over personal relationships, hobbies, and self-care, it may be time to reassess your priorities and seek a better work-life balance.

Stagnation and Lack of Growth: If you find yourself in a professional rut with limited opportunities for growth, learning, or advancement, it may be a sign that your current career path has plateaued.

Incongruence with Values: If your personal values are no longer aligned with the values of your organization or the industry as a whole, it can lead to a sense of dissonance and dissatisfaction.

Resistance to Change: A strong resistance to adapting to new technologies, methodologies, or industry trends may indicate a growing disconnect between your skill set and the evolving demands of your field.

Financial Security Achieved: If you have achieved financial security and have the means to comfortably retire or pursue other interests, it might be an opportune time to step away and explore new endeavors.

Succession Planning Opportunities: When you have identified and mentored capable successors within your organization, it may be a sign that you’ve set the stage for a smooth transition and can confidently step away.

Daydreaming About Other Paths: Persistent daydreaming about alternative career paths, hobbies, or ventures can be a subconscious signal that you are ready for a change and seeking new challenges.

It’s important to note that these signs are not definitive, and everyone’s situation is unique. If you’re experiencing several of these signs, it may be worthwhile to engage in self-reflection and possibly consult with mentors, career coaches, or trusted colleagues to gain additional insights into your decision-making process.